South East Asian Conference of the World Alliance of Airway Management in Vietnam
13th & 14th April 2024
The first South East Asian Conference of the World Alliance of Airway Management (WAAM) will take place in Vietnam on the 13th and 14th April 2024, in partnership with Vietnam Airlines and Facing the World Charitable Foundation.
Bringing international airway experts from across the world together in Vietnam, the conference has been organised and facilitated by Facing The World CEO Katrin Kandel in conjunction with hospital anaesthetists from the 108 Central Hospital, Viet Duc Hospital and Hong Ngoc Hospital in Hanoi, and with support from Vietnam Airlines.
With over a thousand global participants expected to attend, the conference will facilitate links between airway societies, special interest groups, airway fellowship providers, training centers and airway related charities as well as a repository for local, national, and international airway societies, guidelines, statements, airway related education, research projects, research opportunities and grants. Learn more.
As well as the World Alliance of Airway Management Satellite Conference, Facing the World and its partners create opportunities to share medical knowledge and skills through professional exchange and training programs around the world.
Facing the World’s contributions to the sustainable development of Vietnam were once again generously acknowledged by VUFO at a Recognition Ceremony in December. We were delighted to be presented with a magnificent award and Certificate of Merit for our work in 2023 .