Missions in 2019

This is the first Facing the World mission to the 108 Military Hospital in Hanoi and the first time that a team from the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto have been involved. Mr. James Newton accompanied the team for the purpose of creating a film documentary of the mission. Mr. Anil Patel (Anaesthesia) liaised with the team at Viet-Duc hospital.

11 patients were operated on throughout the week at 108 Military Central Hospital in conjunction with members from the 108 divisions of Plastic Surgery, Anaesthesia, Neurosurgery and Ophthalmology.

The third targeted Mission has been a great success. A team of three consultants from the UK, representing maxillofacial and oculoplastic surgery, assessed a total of 71 patients.

Treatment plans were put in place in collaboration with the Vietnamese surgeons. 15 patients were operated on throughout the week, at Hong Ngoc Hospital and Viet-Duc University Hospital.

126 patients were assessed by the multidisciplinary team of consultant medics from Facing the World and from partner hospitals in Vietnam.
16 medics from the UK took part, representing the following specialities: Craniofacial Surgery, Neurosurgery, ENT Surgery, Maxillofacial Surgery, Oculoplastic Surgery, Anaesthesia and Theatre Nursing.

Missions in 2018

FTW’s second specialist Maxillofacial and Orthodontic mission has been a resounding success. The collaborative approach of the missions is designed to complement the international Fellowship programs in the UK and Canada so that a true craniofacial service can be established in Vietnam.

36 patients were assessed by the 2018 FTW team in collaboration with the Da Nang General Hospital doctors, and the week’s operating schedule was planned. The UK team was made up of representatives of the following specialities: General Surgery, Paediatric Anaesthesiology, Ophthalmic & Oculoplastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, and Theatre Nursing. Patients were selected on the basis of the training and support levels required by the local team.

105 patients were initially assessed by the multidisciplinary team of consultant surgeons brought by the Facing the World charity.

Missions in 2017

For the first time, Facing the World brought a small team of Consultants from the UK to Vietnam representing all aspects of Maxillofacial surgery, with the aim of holding a week of concentrated teaching and operating focused on one speciality.

120 patients were initially assessed by the multidisciplinary team of consultant surgeons brought by the Facing the World charity. In all, there were 17 doctors representing the following specialities: Neurosurgery, ENT, Maxillofacial Surgery, Ocular Surgery, Craniofacial Surgery, Anaesthesiology.


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