For each case operated the Facing the World surgeon teamed up with his local counterpart in order to teach, train and discuss management options for the patients. In addition to this, the remaining patients had plans put in place for their future management by the Vietnamese doctors using the new approaches.
In addition to teaching and training in the operating theatre and outpatients, a specialist spinal anaesthetics course was carried out during the week. Advanced spinal anaesthesia techniques for the anaesthetic department were demonstrated and further techniques are being planned for the 2018 mission.
By the end of the week, the team had directly operated on 14 patients all with very good outcomes. These patients are all able to re enter society as useful members. More importantly, various techniques and approaches were demonstrated which will be incorporated by the Vietnamese doctors in the daily practices.
The support given to the charity by the Emirates Foundation is invaluable to the success of the Charity’s endeavours. The Vietnamese doctors are receiving training and lives are being recreated through the successful operations. The most grateful thank you is given to the Emirates Foundation and the Emirates Airline for their continued invaluable support.
With Many thanks
Facing the World